Early morning visitors |
A gentle day on Friday was followed by a weekend of visitors. On Saturday Dick and Jackie Gould came a calling and we all repaired to the Nags Head for lunch. Lovely to catch up with them after I don't know how many years.
A fully camouflaged boat goes past...together with tattooed driver... |
On Sunday we were collected by Giles to go for lunch with all the family. The one fly in the ointment was that their big car was in for servicing and he collected us in his mid life crisis car. This is a Audi XX ( I think that is correct). It is not designed for 3 large adults and a Labrador! Initially I was put in the back with Barney but when Giles and Geoff got in the front I freaked out. I had a severe attack of claustrophobia and had to be released!!! Geoff bravely volunteered to go in the back..
He had to wind himself in! Not a journey to be repeated. |
The afternoon did improve |
Luckily our return journey was by a pre-arranged taxi...A much smoother ride in a Toyota Hybrid.
Home about 8pm to see a gentle evening on the river. |
We also brought back our lodger for a couple of days. Boe is home from Vietnam and doing the rounds of catching up with family and her friends.
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