Centre of Bristol just ahead of us
We eventually moored in Bordeaux Quay which is right in the centre. The lock keeper at Netham lock had told us the mooring here was good in the daytime but might be a little noisy at night. However we did not have a problem, although we were not there for a saturday night. It was lovely to be moored in the midst of lots of activity, both on the shore and on the water. Numerous ferries and trip boats pass by but despite their speed there was little effect as we were on pontoons. The only downside of that for Ellie was that it was a 5 min walk to a park in Queens Square everytime she needed to go out!!! She was initially not impressed with walking on the pontoons or up the short flight of steps, but eventually need overcame her scruples!
Boe was still with us. She did the trip up from Bath and decided to stay a few days to relax and try and get over her jet-lag! Since she kept wanting to visit the shops I am not sure how relaxing it was. As far as the actual town and shops were concerned we found them very disappointing. The shopping area itself is very outdated and has a slightly run down air about it, maybe because there is such a huge "out of town" shopping centre at Cribbs causeway. The other hazard to walking in the town was the cyclists. despite having cycle lanes on many of the roads, a fair proportion of cyclists seemed to prefer the pavements and they didn't cycle slowly!
However we had not gone for the shopping and there were plenty of other attractions, the best being SS Great Britain which Geoff and Boe visited and said it was fantastic.

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