Tuesday 26th May. (8 miles 9 locks)
One of our early starts today along a very pretty stretch of the canal. Below is one of the ex lock keepers cottages with it's distinctive rounded roof.

As you can see Barney is still enjoying himself and has to assist Geoff at every lock
All the locks on this stretch seemed to have the mooring bollards that there has been so much fuss about. These are single locks so three bollards along the side seems a bit OTT, since we don't use any of them!

Shortly afterwards we went over the aqueduct at Bearly. We had been warned by a passing boat that it was extremely windy going across and they were not wrong!! Not my favourite few minutes.
Wednesday 27th May (4 miles 16 locks)
This was a day that we would not have chosen to travel, but daughter Boe was catching a train to Stratford to meet us later in the day so needs must sometimes.......
Moored just before the entry to the basin as it seemed better for Barney and we thought there would not be so many gongoozlers, however in retrospect it was not such a clever idea as we, together with the other two boats moored there, were cast adrift in the night. There was no great harm done as there was no wind and the canal is very narrow there, just annoying. However to look on the bright side at least the ropes were not cut!

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