Onward we did go but at a much more civilised hour and after an excellent breakfast in the Barley Mow pub. Its a good 10 minute walk but well worth it. Geoff was somewhat tired on the walk which we should have taken as a warning sign!
A lovely run to Abingdon but somewht dismayed to find the right hnd bank where we usually moor was all cordoned off for an event. However someone was looking after us as we managed to find the last space on the town side. It transpired that the next day was dragon boat racing hence the no mooring. So we had a ringside view.
We were in good time to have a siesta before being collected and transported to friends Dick and Jackie for supper. Lovely evening catching up and then a taxi back.
That was the end of the good times!!!
Day 1.....Next morning, Sunday Geoff woke with chest pains again. Shortness of breath etc so it was 999 yet again.
They carted him off to the John Radcliffe in Oxford as his heart rate was somewhat high. They had given him Oygen before he left so he was somewhat better. Sent home later in the day with one of his medications increased.
Day 2 Next morning Monday was a repeat procedure. Chest pains rapid heart rate, 999 and this time he got the blue lights as they left. Heart rate was 200+. All sorts of tests etc in A & E but eventually released with yet another increase in his medication.
Day3 Woke with chest pains yet again (geting monotonous now) same symptoms so 999 again. This time it was pouring with rain so I really should have had the video going as he was carted off yet again. I tried to walk alongside the stretcher with a big umbrella to keep him dry but in the end I gave up as they were going too fast for me to keep up! Off with blue lights again.
This time they decided to shock his heart back into rhythm. This had much more effect. Complete change of medication now and they said they would keep him overnight to monitor. I breathed a sigh of relief as it meant I would not have a 4th morning of calling the ambulance.
The relief lasted until about 6.30pm when he called to say that due to lack of beds he was being discharged! However he had to wait for the new meds. This he did waiting in the corridor in A&E until 11pm! Giles picked him up and delivered him back home by which time he was somewhat stressed and incredibly tired.
Hey ho and on we go.........or rather we dont yet. He is still feeling none too good and rather weak. so we shall rest here a few days and then try to make haste slowly to get back to Cropredy.
Meanwhile I was moored in a delightful spot
Early morning mist and narrowboat Lily behind. |
and a ringside view of the dragon boat racing. |
In addition I have the widebeam Whats the Hurry moored in front with Jane and Andy who have been marvellous. He has done the engine routine stuff that Geoff would have done on Sunday morning and changed the gas bottles over for me. They have stayed moored here to be company and if I needed anything. So nice to have friendly faces around as I must admit by the 3rd carting off yesterday I was getting a little frazzled.
We will see what the next few days bring as Geoff gathers his strength again.