Moored opposite the reservoir in Marsworth |
Well we did plan a quiet weekend but I seem to remember saying DO NOT PLAN!
Although Geoff seems absolutely fine after his stay in hospital we decided we would rest for the weekend. However as the intense heat seemed to have abated we decided to move out of the shady nook we had found and go up one lock and moor in the open by the reservoir. We went past the sani station en route and filled and emptied as appropriate.....
Whilst so doing I managed to walk into the end of the tiller arm which was painful for a few minutes but then thought nothing more of it. We actually found company to up the planned one lock so it was very tempting to accompany them up the remaining 6, but when I casually mentioned it to Geoff he said no he had done something to his leg!! So back to plan A and we found a nice spot by the reservoir and settled in.
However by now whatever I had done was getting worse although Geoff shrugged off his leg injury! So Stoic.
By Sunday I was no better so called 111 for advice who said to go to A & E at Stoke Mandeville. It was not how I had planned my day........£25 each way by taxi and 5 hours in there.....however they were very good and a scan showed nothing vital damaged inside and not ribs this time. Had to be muscular but no treatment just pain killers and time. 9 weeks ago we were in the same place with my ribs. Guess this is not our year.
Accordingly we cancelled Giles who was due to come on Monday morning and accompany us up the rest of the Marsworth flight and settled in for another couple of days R & R.
By Wednesday we both had itchy feet and were slightly better so decided to at least get to the summit. A nice gentle day was required and not too long...........
ex Lock keepere cottage |
We last came down this way 13 years ago and dont really remember too much! We notice now that all the ex lock keepers houses are all in good repair. Obviously now in private ownership they are a contrast to many of the cottages we see on the Oxford canal. A lot of those are boarded up and in various states of disrepair.
From peaceful mooring to first lock of the day. |
Anyway our start was too early for company up the locks but it was a reasonable morning. The locks are all in quiet countryside and we even found two volunteers to help up the last of the planned 6.
So far so good. No suitable mooring at the top so decision taken to do 3 more locks and moor where our map showed a shop as we had run out of bread....no toast for Geoffs breakfast!!
The day then started to go downhill as well as the locks........yes we had passed the summit and it was now downhill all the way to London.
By now the weather was slightly less kind and Geoff did get drenched in a sudden downpour.......but at least its warm rain......
We passed Cowroast Marina where we thought we might get fuel but it was a less than hospitable entrance so decided to give it a miss. Soon after we did find a convenient sani station so paused to fill and empty again.
By now we were both tired and had had enough and we tried several places to moor but either no space ot too shallow.
So after 6 1/2 hours instead of the anticipated 3 and 13 locks instead of the planned 6 or 9 we did 13 locks until we found a spot on the outskirts of Berkhamstead. Not one of our best spots as they are working on the bridge just behind us, which is noisy and dusty, and a busy railway is not far away........
The net result is that today,Thursday, neither of us is in good shape. Geoffs leg is sore and my back has slipped back a peg or two in the improving area. So have decided to stay put for the day and hope we can move on tomorrow.
Geoff has not been enjoying this part of the trip and I think it is beginning to rub off on me.......probably all exacerbated by our various health problems.
47 locks to go before Brentford when we can be on the Thames again!!
On a brighter note it is a short walk to what I assume is the High street of Berkhamstead so I had a wander up and managed to get our prescription filled and had a nice cup of coffee. They have a large M& S Food place so that was also useful.
Later Geoff had a wander to a nearby petrol station and filled up a 20lt can of diesel. Although we have just under half a tank, with the way this trip is going he decided to be on the prudent side in case we dont find fuel anywhere.
Dare I say we plan to move on tomorrow. We have a goal (very dangerous) to be in Brentford 8/9 August and then Kingston on 10th ready for my next visit to London.