Tuesday 28th April
Well we are off...we have cut the umbilical cord yet again....back to our alternative summer lifestyle. No car just shank’s pony...this is bearable but no decent broadband is much harder to cope with....but only for me, Geoff couldn’t care less!!! I spent over two hours yesterday getting credit put onto my mobile broadband stick and today we are in an area of poor signal (so this will not be uploaded until we move). However there are compensations. After a miserable day of rain yesterday which delayed our departure, we have had a lovely run from Clifton to just short of Braunston today. We wondered how new canal dog Barnaby would take to the life. He had a wonderful time at Clifton in the boatyard as Heidi, Victoria’s dog, and he played together wonderfully. He was also a great hit with all the folk there however he was very cautious on the boat and would only get on and off via the bows as he considered the stern to be too far from dry land!

Preparing to depart
We set off this morning with Barnaby in one of Heidi’s hand-me-down harnesses just in case he should fall in. When we reached Hilmorton locks he jumped off with Geoff and without even a break in stride followed him across all the lock gates and was as good as gold. At one stage he even came off the stern, but will only do that when it is dead alongside. Travelling along he kept Geoff company most of the way in the stern well, so he is getting braver.

Narrowdog Barnaby
Wednesday 29th April
Off at 0715 this morning on one of those mornings when you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Clear sky and crisp.....needed gloves on though! We had a very gentle cruise down to just south of Marston Doles and now moored in the middle of nowhere with field of sheep on either side. Barnaby is exhausted. He walked with me early on and then walked the locks with Geoff. As soon as we were moored up he flopped down on the towpath and slept, we think he is enjoying
himself. The downside of this lovely mooring is very poor internet signal (None at all yesterday) so this will probably not get published today.
My phone is also causing problems...I can receive emails
but not send them...have spent ages on
the phone to orange today trying to get it sorted out.......Geoff just groans. It has now been referred to higher authority with promises to call me back.....watch this space.
30th April (0700!!)
Sunshine gone but rain not here yet but wonder of wonders I have a connection albeit very slow so will post this before it all turns to worms
My phone is also causing problems...I can receive emails

30th April (0700!!)
Sunshine gone but rain not here yet but wonder of wonders I have a connection albeit very slow so will post this before it all turns to worms