Wednesday 11 August 2021

Here endeth the Grand Union Canal

Old Father Thames here we come.
 Well not until 1545 this afternoon.    Out with the tide we shall go up to Teddington.     

Monday we reached the top of Norwood locks which appears to be in the area of Southall.    We had previously  stopped at Bulls Bridge to shop at Tesco.  Mooring here was not easy as once again there seemed to be a lot of long stayeers.   

Tuesday we went down the Norwood  two and then the Hanwell 6.   The weather was reasonable and we had an easy passage down.  No sign of any volunteers that we had been told we might see.

Coming down the Hanwell flight

Good mooring place at the bottom and Geoff even managed to visit a nice pub for an evening pint.

Today we set off leisurely on a beautiful sunny day for Brentford.   We had no idea what lay ahead mooring wise whilst we waited for the tide.   Absolutely nowhere to moor in the basin.   Everywhere was either full or had a sign saying NO Mooring!

In Brentford Guaging lock
Nothing for it but to go through the Brentford Guaging lock onto the semi tidal stretch  before Thames Lock.   We had looked ahead and discovered theree was an empty waiting pontoon just below so thought we would wait there.   However as we entered the lock a friendly CRT volunteer came to help and said we could carry on to Thames lock and moor to wait.   He said there was a waiting area there although we might have to breast up if other boats were waiting.    From his description I thought it sounded good.   I think his idea on good mooring spots and mine are somewhat different.!    Long term boats again and the only place to tie up was just before the lock against a very high wall.    This was eventually achieved with a certain about of arguing between skipper and crew!   It involved Geoffrey squeezing between boat and wall and climbing a ladder.   In an emergency I could get off the boat.....just.......

Still the sun is shining and here we wait for the lock keeper to arrive later this afternoon.   Geoff fought his way off the boat and wandered into Brentford to get some milk.   He arrived back with a very full shopping bag!!!

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