Tuesday, 9 July 2019

sojourn in Wallingford.

We had a very early start from Abingdon (0710!!!) as we wanted to have the best chance of a mooring at Wallingford.

Great stay at Abingdon...see you on the return journey

Waiting patiently at Culham Lock.  There is a notice which says it takes 20  minutes to fill!

lovely day for the run southwards.

The Poppies are faring better than Geoff`s Tomatoes!

One has already bitten the dust...might be due to lack of watering.!

Our early morning start paid dividends as we had the pick of places when we arrived
However it soon filled up

The mooring price has risen here from £7 last year to £10 this year.   The result of this is that there are quite a few very early departures before Angie the warden comes around!   Not us I hasten to add!!

I left Geoff happily there whilst I slid off to London for Grannie time.   Returning on Saturday we had another visit from Boe for the night.   Its lovely being closer to all the family, we see so much more of them.

Lots of tennis to watch at the moment....the only sport I really watch!!!

On Monday Bob and Rosie Hall came to visit.   Geoff and I walked to Benson to the cafĂ© there and met them and had a very good lunch.   Geoff and Bob walked back with Barney but I took a lift with Rosi....much better option!

Swans and 6 cygnets look lovely but are lethal if one is trying to have breakfast sitting on the side in the cratch!!

Several of these pretty motor launches around

St Peters Church (deconsecrated) and Wallingford Bridge
Earlyish start today Tuesday (we had paid) 

The destination was the lonely mooring about 1/2 a mile above Cleeve Lock.   Unfortunately it was occupied, but after consideration we decided there was just room......managed to get the bow in which is the important end for Barney!!!

The Thames path goes right alongside and there is a great big field for Barney

The plan is to have a couple of quiet days here before moving on to Goring on Thursday.

Total distance:4.68 miles 
Elapsed time:1h9m35s
Average speed:4.03 mph (4.03 lock/mph)

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