Tuesday, 30 July 2019

No Room at Cookham

If we hadn`t wanted to be at Cookham for the station to carry me down to London for my bi-weekly granny sitting I don't think we would have moved today!    We cannot complain too much as I think it is the first wet trip we have had this year.
It wasn`t too heavy when we started out but the showers became more frequent and heavier.  Still it was only a hop skip and a jump down to Cookham.   

Just a little shed at the bottom of the garden

Methinks a bit of mast lowering required before going under any bridges!
Sadly all the moorings were full when we arrived and no sign of anyone moving, how sensible in this weather.   There were spaces in the field to rough moor so we managed to squeeze ourselves in.   A rather high leap for Barney to get off....none too easy for me either!!!
Luckily we had the pram hood up and everything zipped up just as a really nasty squall came through so today was definitely a day to spend below with just a couple of short forays outside for barney.

The field still belongs to whoever owns the moorings so we still had knock on the door late afternoon to collect our money.!!!   So here we stay for about a week.

Total distance:3.16 miles 
Elapsed time:1h10m1s
 Locks:0     Bridges:2
Average speed:2.70 mph (2.70 lock/mph)

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