Thursday, 23 December 2021

Happy Christmas

 LIFE continues aboard the good ship Petroc.  Boe and I are managing remarkably well considering. When we feel somewhat chilly I remind myself that once upon a time we lived without central heating and one did have to think twice before getting out of bed on a cold morning The answer then, as now, is more clothes🤣🤣

Meanwhile life continues for Geoffrey in Abingdon. He is still making progress but it's very slow going.. He now has his own wheelchair and a very fancy new walker which has made a huge difference. His appointment for the awaited PET scan has been scheduled for 29th December and he has an appointment with neurology on 20th January.. What, if anything, either of these will tell us is debatable.

I have tried, unsuccessfully, to find a suitable abode in this area to which he could be discharged safely, albeit with a care package. I even enlisted SSAFA but to no avail. Ever if we could afford the exorbitant rents, we need somewhere suitable for someone with mobility issues. Petroc will never be that!

There are rumblings from the hospital in Abingdon that we should be considering the next stage. As far as we can see that will have to be our annexe in Cornwall. Realistically it will have to be via a similar community style hospital down there, whilst our home is assessed for his needs. We are hoping to stay up here as long as possible. He has almost daily physiotherapy which is making such a difference. In addition the family are within striking distance which makes such a help with visiting.

We are also hoping that there are no more patients testing COVID positive before Christmas as all visiting will be cancelled yet again. The last two episodes proved to be false positives so we lost visiting unnecessarily.

The bright spot of yesterday was seeing the new film of West side story. Boe and I already had tickets booked for the matinee in the Abbey cinema in Abingdon.. . Lovely independent cinema and we had 2 swivel comfy chairs around a table for our drinks. We can thoroughly recommend the film and the cinema.

Friday, 10 December 2021

Error at the lab!

 So the lab got it wrong…..sorry for the error……visiting is on again😱😱😱👍👍👍😎😎😎

Thursday, 9 December 2021

Birthday weekend

 A fabulous weekend courtesy of my great family.   I now need a few days recovery time.   Not necessarily alcohol but everything packed into the celebration.    Geoffrey was sorely missed but we all agreed that his tolerance for travelling might not have lasted…..there was a lot of travelling involved.   Boats had to figure somewhere and that came with an excellent lunch on board one of the Thames trip boats.

The intention was to visit him on my return and take all my cards and tell him about the weekend.    However……… laid plans..........    COVID has reared its ugly head again.  One of the patients in his bay has tested positive so we are on a visiting ban for 14 days..  

There are also rumblings from the hospital about the next stage..   they obviously can’t keep him forever!   Due to him getting physiotherapy every day, he is making progress, but not quite at the stage where he (and we) can cope at home in Cornwall.   He has an appointment with neurology on 20th January at the John Radcliffe in Oxford,so unlikely to have a change before then.  At least we hope so.   The longer he is receiving physio the more we think he will improve.

We are trying to find an interim solution at the moment, but finding accommodation in the Oxfordshire area that is suitable for someone with mobility issues and that is not at a silly price is not easy.

We await developments..........................................