Thursday, 4 October 2018

Getting closer to Petroc`s winter home

Thanks to several comments I now understand the logic of shutting the locks overnight to save water.......allows the water to gather itself for the next day.   Also now having done the Claydon flight with lots of boats going both ways it does save a lot of unnecessary emptying or filling.

There were so many boats coming in the other direction that we thought Fenny Compton would be empty.   Not so!!  We were lucky to get the last space before the pub so where all the other boats had come from, I know not.   

Mike from LeeSan came down to discuss what needed to be done to our toilet housing over the winter to make it more accessible.   He is confident he can fix ours which is good news.

Wednesday we travelled on a rather grey (but dry) day to just beyond Marsdon Doles and down the first of the Napton flight.  We wondered if the notices would ask us not to moor in the flight overnight as they had done at the Claydon flight but luckily not so.  

This looked like up market camping.  Behind the fence was a bath! 
 I wasn`t quite quick enough with the camera to catch a glimpse of it.

The horses all have their winter coats on
Today we set off at a very leisurely hour at 9.15....wonderful lie in.

Past the Buffalo.
Opposite here used to be a farm shop and cafe selling Buffalo ice cream but that disappeared a few years ago.

The cloud broke up by the time we moored and wonder of wonders I was able to take my chair out and sit in the sun, even had to strip off several layers of clothing.   We are promised more of the same tomorrow BUT Saturday is a different story if the weather people are to be believed.  We are moored in one of our preferred spots just after bridge 101.   Not far to Braunston tomorrow.

Total distance:6.35 miles Elapsed time:3h5m21s Locks:6Bridges:16 
Average speed:2.06 mph (4.00 lock/mph) 

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